When it all began.
Jeanene Thicke-Sanderson first visited Bogota, Colombia, in 1988. While there she saw the plight of young children living on the street with no homes and no one to care for them. After returning home, she knelt and prayed asking God what He wanted her to do. She was willing to go anywhere and do anything for Him. As she prayed she heard one word…Colombia. In 1988, she made a move that would change her life forever. Not knowing the language, the culture or the people, she moved to Bogota to see what God had in store for her life. She began to notice children in the parks that never went home at night. As she began to ask questions and discover what the lives of the children were, she felt a burden in her heart to help them. She went home and asked everyone to help. It took one year to raise the funds needed to buy our first house.
October 6, 1993…
Children’s Vision International, Inc. (CVII) was born as an international, non-profit, non-governmental organization whose purpose is to help the needy and homeless around the world.
Genesis House
CVII’s first house was purchased in 1993. Appropriately named the Genesis House, it needed some work…okay…it needed a LOT of work! But God always provided the hands and the finances when they were needed. Every time a new bedroom was ready, new children would come in need of a home, love an education, medical attention, and a chance to be a child. The Genesis House takes in infants and small children who have been living in destitute conditions, such as living in boxes underneath bridges, enduring birth defects, are victims of neglect and abuse, suffer from chronic malnutrition, bronchitis, parasites, severe diarrhea, as well as other intestinal diseases. The parents of these children are drug addicts, prostitutes, delinquents or victims of war who were forced to leave their homeland and are unable to provide and care for their children. Many of these children are considered “disposable” here in Colombia and we are often asked why we are trying to save a life that is worthless. To us, each child is a treasure and each life is worth saving.

August 7, 2000…Exodus House
The Exodus House was purchased in 1999 and people came from all over to help with the construction of our second home. Knowing that this new house would save more lives, people and teams worked hard to complete it. One year later, we opened the Exodus House debt free! The Exodus House is home to boys from elementary to high school age. It is designed to provide an environment where the children begin to develop their independence and individuality. The children are encouraged to dream (Because we believe that dreams come true!) and help them along the way to reach that dream. The Exodus House is a family paradigm where character, conduct, responsibility, and self-respect are developed in the children.

2015…Leviticus House
The Leviticus House (our “Princess House”) is our fourth home that was purchased in 2015 and opened in 2016. It is home to girls ages 6 through 11. The Leviticus House provides a safe and loving environment for at-risk girls to live, grow and be happy.

January 27, 2006…Numbers House
In 2006, the doors officially opened to our third home, the Numbers House. Numbers is home to girls from ages 12 through 18. Just like the Exodus House, the children begin to develop their independence and individuality, setting goals to reach their dreams while building character, responsibility, and respect.

Our 5th Home…Deuteronomy
Our fifth and final home will be the Deuteronomy House (our “Dude House!”). This home will be for boys, dividing the ages from the Exodus House. The Deuteronomy House has been part of the dream since day one!

Beginning of Wisdom School
February 2009…Beginning of Wisdom School
The Beginning of Wisdom School was founded in 2001. The official opening and dedication of our new school building took place in February of 2009! For at-risk children who live in absolute poverty, education is usually only a dream. At CVII, these dreams come true! We know that as we give our children an education that includes bilingual studies and cross-cultural experiences, they will have skills to take with them to change a nation!

Thank you!
From day one, we have fought for the children’s rights…the right to a family, an education, to be happy, to have a hope and to have a future. Thank you for being part of the fight!